February 16, 2024

February 29 is Rare Disease Day

🌍 Join the Movement for Rare Disease Day. Spread awareness and show support 🌍

Rare diseases affect millions worldwide, often leaving individuals and families with unique challenges. Let's use our voices to bring attention to these conditions and show our solidarity with those affected.

To make a difference download the official visuals and virtual backgrounds such as "I support rare disease day", frames and "share your colours" filters. Add them to your social media profiles to spread awareness and show support for the rare disease community on Rare Disease Day on February 29th.

Don't forget to use hashtags #RareDiseaseDay and #RareDiseaseAwareness to share your solidarity ✌️

Let's make every voice heard, every color seen and every individual supported. Download the filters today and join us in making a difference! 🙌
